Quartermaster was purchased at the 2020 Nioa on Property Bull Sale. We were impressed with this bull’s style and his genetics. Being an (AI) son of the prolific sire Rosevale Jackeroo and out of a Glen Oaks show heifer. His BreedPlan figures for Rib and Rump fat were strongly positive which was also a contributing factor. He is breeding cattle with strong phenotype and is throwing on his ability to lay down condition, we are happy with his overall contribution to the stud.
Remington was purchased at the 2020 Santa Central sale as a lead bull. We were attracted to him for his strong thickness width over the top line, length and his dark red coat type. His temperament is impeccable and is a pleasure to work with as are his progeny. He was caring strong EMA and IMF what we were after as well as good scrotal size. We are happy with the quality and evenest of his first two drops of calves and believe we will see a lot of his sons in the years to come.
Boss a Homozygous poll was purchased as a led bull at the 2016 Santa Central Sale for $17,000. Weighing 891kgs at 22months with a DWG of 1.30kg, Scrotal of 40cm and an EMA of 122. After watching him win his class at the Ekka we thought we would purchase him for his out cross genetics, growth, tropical dark skin type and quiet temperament. Boss has grown into an eye appealing sire, great thickness, and good depth with plenty of scale. He has thrown progeny with strong breed character, and we are seeing strong results through his females in the breeding program. Boss produces exceptional females with scale and breed phenotype. We are pleased with both his male and female progeny. Top priced son to date is Benelkay Quartermaster Q012 (P) selling to Jock Cunningham “Hallcraig Santas” for $30,000 in 2021. Benelkay Newman (PP) has also been kept as a sire with sons in this year’s sale. Boss is a sire that throws consistency in his progeny producing scale, thickness and heavy bone progeny with dark red coat colour that is hard to purchase. It is pleasing to see his sons making an impact in the studs they have been sold into.