Tag Archives: benelkay santas

Yarrabee Inforce 1459 (P)

Purchased as the top priced bull at the Yarrabee 2020 Annual Sale at Emerald. He has developed into a Sire with plenty of volume, scale and thickness. When purchased at twenty – four months he weighed 900kgs, DWG 1.17, 150 EMA, Scrotal of 41cms. He is a very active bull siring plenty of calves in a short period of time. Inforce is a strong powerful sire with a lot to offer. He has been breeding consistently, both male and female progeny, his stock carry great carcase consistency and it will be exciting to see what his heifers will bring to the stud in the future years.

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Yarrawonga Quicksilver Q680 (PP)

Purchased at the Yarrawonga Waco Annual Bull Sale in 2020. At twenty months he weighed 784kgs, 40cm scrotal, 1.18 DWG, EMA 128, Rib and Rump fats of 12 and 9, as a bonus he was a homozygous Poll (PP). He has developed into a big strong sire with plenty of length and scale. We were attracted to his sire Restdown 378 (P) when Yarrawonga purchased him and thought we would purchase one of his sons. He is breeding very dark coated stock with strong breed type, there is a strong representation of his sons on offer this year.

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