

Welcome to Benelkay Santa Gertrudis

History: In 1963 the Benelkay herd had it’s beginnings situated at Walgett as a cross breeding  operation, based on Weebollabolla Shorthorn cows and Santa Gertrudis Bulls.
Then in 1970 the stud was registered with the SGB(A)A and became Stud number 810 with the prefix “Benelkay”.
With the select purchases of Stud Cows, and the existing commercial line of straight Santa cows the stud had a good genetic base to form the early stud and grow it into what it is today.

Location: The Benelkay Santa Gertrudis Stud is run on “Glenmore” and” Tuppence” which are
located 34km North West of Mullaley, in the Goolhi district, or in broader terms 68km West of Gunnedah. “Glenmore” is a 1650 Ha property comprising of gently undulating to hilly country with a mixture of heavy black basalt, red clay loams and sandy soil types,” Tuppence” is a 730 Ha property situated next door to Glenmore, and was originally part of the historic Goolhi Station, that once covered most of the North Western side of Mullaley.

Stud Focus: With a strong genetic base of 400 classified stud cows Benelkay is well placed to breed cattle to suit the modern commercial cattleman. With a strong emphasis on poll cattle that have the ability to enhance the carcase traits in the stud and commercial cattle industry. The stud is run on a commercial basis with no favouritism, there has been years of work go into the fertility, temperament and the need to breed cattle that are soft, easy doing and that are saleable all year round, that can compete and better other breeds, but still retain the excellent attributes of the Santa Gertrudis Breed.

Poll Gene Marker Testing

Benelkay Sale Bulls and Sires are tested each year with Neogen for the Poll Gene Marker Testing. This year’s sale bulls (2025) are 95% Polled/Poll Scured with 22/50 being tested as Homozygous PP carrying two copies of the Poll gene, likelihood of 99% Homozygous PP. 
These bulls are highly likely to only produce Poll progeny. Benelkay has been testing their Sale bulls over the last 14 years and with 37yrs dedicated to breeding polled cattle, our results have been very pleasing.
If you would like a copy of these bulls and the results, please contact Andrew 0427 435 201.

Looking for more information on how these results are
determined? Please see the below attachment. Breeding for Polledness
Click here for more info

Benelkay MSA Compliant

Below is an MSA Index benchmark for AC JJ Orman TA Benelkay Pastoral Company. This graph is for our own Benelkay steers sold and grading MSA compliant. The image below links to a story printed in the December 2024 Santa Gertrudis Journal.

Benelkay MLA Graph, benelkay high msa scoring